Monday, 17 December 2012

17 December 2012

Okay so it is really weird to be thinking of my Brother coming home from his mission. especially when I know how much he has helped all those around him. He may not have talked about it much but if he is like anything I am. He will have worked his hardest despite what may be going on in his personal life, like being sick alot!!!!! Just plain tired, or feeling that you are so far away from God that you can not see the lives you are blessing. It is only as I have looked back that I have seen how much I have changed but also how much I was truly able to help some one that I taught. I know that He will also be a different person than I knew but I look forward to getting to know him again. This week has been crazy! At first I have to admit I had a hard time focusing because of all the e-mails geared towards Eric's coming home. But I mentioned it in my Interview with President Mullen and he gave me some wonderful advice that I am now using and it has been so much better! I have been able to focus more and because of that I have been able to support my Companion better. Because 'all' of our investigators speak Spanish. So it has been pushing my spanish to its limits every day! But with a better focus and desire to teach them and to support my companion I have been able to understand better what they are saying, and to get even closer to teaching in unity with my companion. She is so sweet. We have Spanish days and English days. I am learning Spanish she is learning English. so we take every other day and speak the others language through out the whole day between ourselves. She tells me that my Spanish is growing every day! I was so excited to hear that. I remember struggling so hard with it in the MTC almost to the point of tears daily. But I have seen how much the Lord has blessed me that I am now able to talk, teach in and understand a different language. It is amazing! This week we have seen so many miracles. We are teaching Families here! Every investigator we have are families. With a few we are mostly teaching the wife but that is only because the husband is either at work or sleeping because of work when we go by. but we are still able to teach the whole family. it is amazing. Most of our potentials are families too! God is blessing us and putting the truly prepared in our paths! Okay so for Christmas I will be skyping. Sister Sanchez will be calling her family in Mexico. we were thinking about 6 our time. and it will only be for 45 minutes! the boots work great! Thank you so much for them! I hope that everything goes great today! I love you all! Con amor, Hermana Ziegler

Monday, 10 December 2012

10 December 2012

So this week has been great, crazy, and amazing! But to start off I am letting you know I am writing you first so you can get more than a quickly written paragraph. I still feel bad about that sorry! But I got my Boots! They are both great and fit! I was not expecting two pairs of boots! Thank you so much. I appreciate all that you do for me. I am also grateful for the letter from daddy in Spanish. My companion and I loved it! Well this week has been interesting for me because, off and on I have felt sick in some way. Getting that figured out. But It made it hard at times to focus on what the people we were teaching a little difficult. But The Lord was with me and I was able to teach with my companion and help those we are teaching to know even more about God, and their part in his plan. I just love teaching the Gospel. The work here is mostly Spanish. of all the lessons we teach every day about 80% of them are in Spanish. so my Spanish is growing rapidly and I am becoming more confident with the Spanish I do have. It is great to feel that I am able to teach, understand, and be understood, by those I am teaching in another language. It is great! Sister Sanchez keeps telling me that the reason I was sent back here is because some of the people we teach are people I had met in some way before and are now more open to hear our message. It is great to be here and see the miracle of the hand of God is so many peoples lives! Okay just so you know! I am not expecting much for Christmas. I only want pictures of everybody, and a general conference ensign that I can use to study with! That Is all I want and I am counting my Boots as part of my Christmas presents! I love you all And hope to write more next week! But it sufficient for me to say that I know that the promise that God gave in the D&C I don't remember the section or the verse but it talks about how we will have his angels upon our right and upon our left. It is true and it is amazing what God does for his missionaries and for those who are searching for the truth in their lives! Con mucho amor, Hermana Ziegler

Monday, 3 December 2012

3 December 2012

Sorry I took much time with my letter to president and sending letters for the Mission Christmas Cd! Sorry! I am bad I promise to write more next week! I have not gotten the boots yet but I am sure that they will be great! I love you all and It is great to be back in Warden there are miracles happening here! Love you all, Hermana Zielger